Start with Self-Love: Today, Not Someday

This blog was originally shared as an email with the Loving Leaders community. If you'd like to hear from Renée every week, directly in your inbox, you can sign up for the emails here.


I woke up near Mt. Hood, Oregon, in a house full of friends. I hear breakfast being negotiated and made downstairs, "Do you like your bacon crispy or soft?" “Is the coffee ready?” Cross-country ski trails are being described. Options for snowshoeing shared. Plans made for where to rent missing equipment. Laughter. Descriptions of the book someone is reading. Sunlight streaming through the trees. More laughter.

I have so much on my heart about what's happening in the world and how to make a difference. The stress of this time is high, isn't it?

Yet for this one day, I'm going to breathe. I'm going to remember what's most important in this world as I watch loved ones. I'm going to cook my famous cauliflower chowder and revel in feeding my family.  

I will let the clear blue skies and cold, crisp air blow through me. I'm going to work REALLY HARD to stay on my skis and on the trail! All that physical exertion will help move the stress out of my body so I can think and feel, choose and strategize. 

That's my plan for self compassion so that I can better love others and love the world. This Loving Yourself is one of the three components of our Loving Leadership model. 

As I've shared, Loving Yourself is the one that most people struggle with. And so with that in mind, my nudge to you Loving Leader is this:

How will you release the stress you are carrying? How will you take a bit of time to care for yourself so you can sustain your love for others for the long haul? Please do that; please love yourself today. 

Renée Smith

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renée Smith champions making work more loving and human. She researches, writes, speaks internationally, and leads the Human Workplace Community of Practitioners and Participants to discover and practice how to be loving at work. This love is not naive or fluffy but bold, strong, and equitable, changing teams, organizations, communities, and lives.

What Will Your Loving Legacy Be?


Loving Yourself Can’t Come Last