The Make Work More Human Blog

Read. Be inspired. Lead with Love.

Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.

What Will Your Loving Legacy Be?
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

What Will Your Loving Legacy Be?

In our family, “heritage gifts” started out as everyday possessions mom or dad would wrap up and bestow on a younger family member as a beloved treasure. Think worn slippers, old art, household objects, books, favorite pieces of clothing, jewelry. Lucky us! 😉 But the real heritage gifts we treasure most can’t be wrapped with a bow.

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Loving Yourself Can’t Come Last
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Loving Yourself Can’t Come Last

I've been doing a lot of Loving Leader Assessments recently. I'm seeing an important pattern I want to share with you because it probably applies to you too! One crucial component consistently ranks the lower than the other three when leaders take our Loving Leader Assessment: loving yourself!

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The Strength to Love
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

The Strength to Love

If ever there was a time to turn to the wisdom of those who have gone before through their own trials and fires, who sought guidance from those who went before them, and then left us their example and insights, this is the time. 

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Incite Love, Shall We?
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Incite Love, Shall We?

Enough with “inciting violence” and “inciting hatred.” Let's take it back from “inciting riots” or “inciting lawbreaking.” No!  Let us instead lay claim to this word and “incite Love.” 

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The Mountain is Out
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

The Mountain is Out

We have a saying in the South Puget Sound, “Live like the Mountain is out.” This means that even if the Mountain is covered in clouds, and we can't see it, we know it’s there. We can live with the same vigor as we would on a clear day. We need that in our work too! 

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A Not-So-Random Encounter
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

A Not-So-Random Encounter

Jim and I found our seats in the Studebaker Theater in downtown Chicago. With a friendly greeting to our aisle mates, an older woman and a younger man stood so we could slip by. We quickly took our seats and soon the show began.

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What Does It Mean to be “Invited” to a “Gathering”?
Renée Smith Renée Smith

What Does It Mean to be “Invited” to a “Gathering”?

What does it mean to be “invited” to a “gathering”? Not mandated to attend. Not voluntold. Not required. Invited.  And not to a meeting or a training or a workshop; not a brownbag or a stand-up or a huddle; not a townhall or coffee with the CEO.

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