Everywhere I go: in Seattle at JuneBaby (Part 1)


Sitting at the counter eating at JuneBaby in Seattle, I chat with the young couple visiting from Connecticut next to me. When he learns about my love not fear work, he lights up and shares the street art of 5ivefingaz and Love More Than Ever. So much to love there! Check it out! 

Everywhere I Go.  

Renée Smith

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renée Smith champions making work more loving and human. She researches, writes, speaks internationally, and leads the Human Workplace Community of Practitioners and Participants to discover and practice how to be loving at work. This love is not naive or fluffy but bold, strong, and equitable, changing teams, organizations, communities, and lives. 


Everywhere I go: in my backyard in Tacoma


Everywhere I go: in Seattle at JuneBaby (Part 2)