The Make Work More Human Blog

Read. Be inspired. Lead with Love.

Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.

Plan to Love
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Plan to Love

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renee Smith, challenges us to consider where love shows up in our plans for 2023, and what love you might choose to live.

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Three Ways to Increase Love at Work
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Three Ways to Increase Love at Work

Renee shares insights from 75 research interviews plus hundreds of stories shared by participants in workshops that culminate in 3 ways to increase love at work. For practical and tangible loving workplace practices, read more here.

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An Inner Guide to Self-Regulation and Love
Renée Smith Renée Smith

An Inner Guide to Self-Regulation and Love

Lili vulnerably shares her experience with self-regulation after a relatable interaction where anger bubbled over. She cites experts on self-regulation and shares practical, repeatable tools for inner dialogue during moments of overwhelm. Lili is a leading voice concerning inner transformation and self-connectedness as a tool for leadership growth.

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Ask This Question
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Ask This Question

The questions we ask ourselves and others matter. Questions are not neutral but point us in a direction. They cause us to pay attention to some possibilities and to exclude others. In this blog, Renee shares the number one question we should be asking ourselves throughout our careers. From interviews to promotions to recognition to retirement, this question provides a powerful lens for real impact in the world.

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Can You Hold Love and Anger at the Same Time?
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Can You Hold Love and Anger at the Same Time?

Denise Miño recounts a recent story with her son at a local family fun center in which confusion over a pizza turned to public berating and belittlement of an employee. Denise shares her experience and thought process to actively choose love and compassion towards the victim, rather than fury or contempt towards the persecutor. She aptly speaks to one’s ability to hold both love and anger simultaneously while still choosing to act with intention for love.

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What Pandemic Parenting Taught Me About Loving Leadership
Renée Smith Renée Smith

What Pandemic Parenting Taught Me About Loving Leadership

Read as Lili Boyanova unpacks the nuances of our love expressed as inner light and the common struggles we share when our behavior doesn’t align with our loving, light values. Through exploring the lens of her son, Alex, Lili shares powerful sentiments and universal truths about what it’s like to navigate the world as we try to share our love, sometimes fail, but find the treasure in the lesson all the same.

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When I Say the "L" Word
Renée Smith Renée Smith

When I Say the "L" Word

What happens when we say the “L” word at work? I do it a lot. I’ve watched a lot of people squirm in an uncomfortable silence intimidated to use such a raw, but accurate, word to describe the gap in our workplaces. But the incredible, magical, beautiful thing comes next. When we talk about Love at work, people blossom. They open up to creativity, innovation, leadership, honesty, and community. Starting to use the “L” Word might be scary, but it’s well worth the results.

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Can't A Little Fear Be A Good Thing?
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Can't A Little Fear Be A Good Thing?

Exploring when and how fear can actually be a good thing. As a natural human response, it’s important that we understand when fear occurs, what it does to us, and how we can use its helpful benefits when appropriate.

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More Love
Renée Smith Renée Smith

More Love

Each time it happens, I experience a sense of joy and possibility. What is it that happens? I meet someone else somewhere in the world who is also committed to making work more loving and human.

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Choose To Challenge
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Choose To Challenge

On International Women's Day, we want to #ChooseToChallenge workplaces to be loving not fearful to make work a better place for women.

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Everywhere I go: in a hotel shuttle in Kentucky.
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Everywhere I go: in a hotel shuttle in Kentucky.

Everywhere I go people tell me stories about their workplaces. Some are full of fear, missed opportunities, bad business, and outright harm. Others are full of love, respect, kindness and the benefits that come to customers, employees, and organizations when these human values are embraced.

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Everywhere I go: across the puget sound
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Everywhere I go: across the puget sound

My work sometimes takes me around the world and other times it takes me right across the Puget Sound. Everywhere I go, I find people who are doing difficult work thoughtfully, brilliantly, kindly, taking care of each other too, in simple yet meaningful ways.

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Everywhere I go: in a workshop in Barcelona.
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Everywhere I go: in a workshop in Barcelona.

Amor.” This word surprised the group of 30 people from the Lean construction community gathered for a workshop at the Catalonia Institute for Construction Technology (iTeC) in Barcelona where I was on holiday. “Amor.” A ripple of smiles and happy murmurs moved through the room when I said the answer to fear at work is love.

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It starts as children
Renée Smith Renée Smith

It starts as children

I love poetry. I love it when a handful of words chosen and assembled “just so” say what it might take pages or hours to say otherwise, if ever. A few lines of poetry can make all things clear in an instant, or can join us as humans around universal understanding, or can challenge all that I thought was real, in moments. I love that.

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Everywhere I go: I rideshare
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Everywhere I go: I rideshare

In my research interviews on fear and love in the workplace, people often said their fear experience increased their commitment to NOT leading with fear but instead leading with care, respect, trust, empathy and so on. In other words, their fear experience increased their commitment to never doing that to anyone else and instead leading with love.

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Do I have to say “love”?
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Do I have to say “love”?

Organizations and teams choose the words that resonate for them. Sometimes that word is “love” and sometimes it is a synonym like care, trust, respect, belonging, inclusion, empathy, compassion, or forgiveness, but always it is more human.

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