The role of the leader is to model and welcome all human behaviors.
To welcome self and others with their limits, like a gift.
When I am here, when I am available in this exact present moment - I feel at Ease with my limits. I am helping others to feel the same.
That Ease comes from within, not from outside.
So much of this journey we are on is actually getting at deeper spiritual questions about the nature of humanity.
The human condition itself.
I am a loving leader when I release the attachment to the need to be right. To know. To achieve. To perform.
To have found the truth. To find Love. Then, I taste that four-letter word - Ease.
The etymology of Ease is “physical comfort, undisturbed state of the body; tranquility, peace of mind” but also “lie at, border upon, lie near.”
Lie at the border of what? Perhaps it lies at the border of our limits.
To understand that we have gone as close as we can to the edge of our knowing, doing, etc., as possible today?
And to feel peace at that.