Creativity is the very unfolding of life.

We cannot not create because life is unpredictable.

In every moment, we are responding to something.

To an inner condition.

To the people and the expectations surrounding ourselves.

Creativity is the unfolding of life. In every moment we are creating by responding to something or someone. Light labs. @ahumanworkplace

We are creating language. Meaning. Purpose.

Many of us believe that we are primarily rational beings, but that isn’t true.

Our reason exists within the bounds of a creative and shifting world.

Relying on reason is an attempt to drop the anchor of a boat of known in a sea of unknown.

With love,

Light Labs

Lili Boyanova Hugh

Lili Boyanova Hugh is the Chief of Innovation, Learning, and Development for A Human Workplace, advocating for more love and less fear in workplaces. Lili’s work creates structures for love and learning allowing freedom to flourish. Reach out for a conversation at


The role of the leader is to model and welcome all human behaviors.


You are neither a loving leader or not a loving leader.