Removing the Hierarchy from Human Experience

I am a loving  leader when I remove the hierarchy of human experience - it and we are all inter-connected. Light Labs. @ahumanworkplace

When we just replace the mind with the heart, we risk causing the same damage that relying on the superiority of the mind did before.

Instead, our work is about removing the hierarchy in our human experience altogether.

It is about realising that no superiority exists in our multi-dimensional experiences.

Everything is inter-related and connected to the whole.

We don’t need to turn off thought to allow for the heart to guide us or to access courage.

When we are open to experiencing the interconnectedness of heart and mind, we can truly step into the actions of our highest potential.

What we bring to cognition, and bring language to, is only a fraction of our full experience.

When we become open to the full experience, these questions come up: 

  • What’s possible when I remain open to the experience of inner and outer?

  • How can others support me in my inner work, in the uncovering of my own individual knowing?

  • How can I co-create experiences in the pursuit of collective wisdom?

Lili Boyanova Hugh

Lili Boyanova Hugh is the Chief of Innovation, Learning, and Development for A Human Workplace, advocating for more love and less fear in workplaces. Lili’s work creates structures for love and learning allowing freedom to flourish. Reach out for a conversation at


Releasing the need to be right enables loving leadership


The role of the leader is to model and welcome all human behaviors.