A loving intention needs a loving attention.
At any given moment, there is so much to hold. All at the same time - joy, grief, sorrow, hope, love, fear, deep appreciation for life.
How can we hold that full experience and then honor our needs?
As loving leaders, we crack wide open and trust that it's safe out there. And it's safe within.
No matter what happens we can trust and listen to ALL the parts within us that need nourishment.
A loving intention needs a loving attention.
How can we slow down enough to notice, to connect, to breathe deeply?
It feels like holding our own hand with the same tenderness that we might hold a newborn’s tiny little fingers.
Only then we can get curious about whatever it is emerging, whatever it is needed.
We use all senses to connect and understand. We are moved by our own experience.
It’s not the intention that changes us.
The choice is about what do we do with that intention.
We can’t rush to attend to our intention.
Just one more question.
One more minute.
One extra pause.
It’s the attention that creates the transformation.