Accepting ourselves gives us the greatest connection and wisdom to relate to others.

We are socialized to accept things. Gifts, of course. Compliments. Challenges.

Yet, the invitation here is to accept our being. 

When making the shift from accepting things to accepting our beings, we honor ourselves and our needs. This invites others to witness, honor, and love their whole beings, too.

Without first accepting and loving ourselves, we cannot accept and love others to our fullest potential. 

When we pause and slow down, we create the space required to invite acceptance. We may notice and receive more of the wisdom offered in a moment. 

A feeling.

An idea.

A connection or disconnection to what is happening around me.

Speeding along through our day is actually a way to avoid acceptance. To skip over opportunities that arise.

My empathy for others grows when I cultivate this awareness. Everyone has a “self” that needs accepting. And it’s a daily practice. . 

The light within each of us is but a single flame. Yet, together our lights combine to reveal an infinite interdependent universe.

Where might you pause this week to invite more acceptance of yourself and those around you?

Lili Boyanova Hugh

Lili Boyanova Hugh is the Chief of Innovation, Learning, and Development for A Human Workplace, advocating for more love and less fear in workplaces. Lili’s work creates structures for love and learning allowing freedom to flourish. Reach out for a conversation at


A loving intention needs a loving attention.


The gift of being…