Love is a More Human Workplace:

Discover, design, and co-create it!

It’s time to discover the workplace where you want to work!

  • Human Culture Discovery: Where are we?

    Before diving into design your new human-centered culture, it is important to take stock of what you have going on right now:

    • What are your cultural strengths and weaknesses?

    • How is your current culture delivering results?

    • How do team members feel about working in your organization?

    • How do you feel about leading it?

    • What is helping?

    • What is missing?

    • What is making things more difficult?

    Together we gather the insights and performance data needed to understand what’s happening today so you can better design what’s needed for tomorrow. Then you can take along the habits, norms, and mindsets that are valuable and leave behind what’s not.

  • Human Culture Design: Where are we going?

    This is where the fun begins.

    It is a creative, engaging, collaborative process.

    You come away with a document for what you’ve agreed you want to be together, AND more importantly, you’ve gone through a process of discovering and embodying those values in action.

    We gather you (virtually or in-person) for one or multiple Human Culture Design Workshops. We help you describe what matters most to you - your experiences of success, your times of greatness and joy, your examples of belonging and courage.

    Then we guide you to craft these into a plan for your culture that inspires and motivates your entire team to be their very best humans and create results together.

  • Human Culture in Action: How to get there?

    In this series of workshops, we take you through the Human Workplace Model and help you to identify where you need to begin to integrate first.

    Then we guide you through the process of applying your values to that aspect of your organization:

    To your operations, policies, practices, processes, people functions, decision-making, meetings, communication, or other aspects of your organization’s design and operations.

    The goal is congruence: Aligning your daily work with who you’ve decided to be, bringing your culture to life!

    The rubber really meets the road when those identified human values are integrated into daily operations.

    This is when words become actions and really have meaning and impact.

Next, let’s grow!

Develop leaders and teams with skills and mindset for your human culture.

As you begin to implement the key elements of your new culture, it is important to help everyone adopt daily loving behaviors for what we call the “moments that matter.” Support your leaders and teams with the reflection, skill practice, experiences, and conversations needed for a shared understanding of what your cultural values in practice look like. This helps everyone to embody these values in action day-to-day. Learn more about how our experiential Gatherings can build the cultural muscle of every team member, and how the Loving Leaders Learning Journey helps develop human-centered leaders.

Connect with us for more information.