On being present with new eyes

Beats from the lab

The essence of Light Labs is in the pursuit of new experiences through being present with another in a new way.

We recognise that not everything that inner voice says is true and accurate.

Then, we name that.

Often times our thoughts, feelings and actions come from unhelpful conditioning.

We recognise that it's so easy to re-enact the past when we are not in the present moment.

So then, how do we create inner transformation?

How do we gain a set of 'new eyes'?

New Perspective.

To look through. In-sight -> see in. We see life through the lens of our own experiences.

To get new lens one must have a new experience - it is when perspective gets planted. To get it activated, we need more. We need a partner in reflection.

Light may come from within.

But the most profound transformation happens in the light that connects us to each other.

Lili and Light Labs

PS: If you are a leader committed to your own practice of loving leadership, please reach out - we'd love to be in community with you.
PPS: If you've enjoyed this Beat from the Lab, keep the beat going by forwarding it to someone else.

These are field notes from Light Labs Team’s journey activating wisdom on the interior condition of leadership. Subscribe here for our weekly Beats from the Lab; heart-full word magic in your inbox, every week.

Lili Boyanova Hugh

Lili Boyanova Hugh is the Chief of Innovation, Learning, and Development for A Human Workplace, advocating for more love and less fear in workplaces. Lili’s work creates structures for love and learning allowing freedom to flourish. Reach out for a conversation at lili@makeworkmorehuman.com.


Inner work takes ongoing commitment


Releasing the need to be right enables loving leadership