A Human Workplace
Our Purpose, Value, Principles and Practices
Our Purpose
Make workplaces and the world more loving and human.
Our Value
Our core value is Love.
We aim to understand, feel, and embody Love in the ways we work together.
Love takes many forms including respect, trust, kindness, courage, justice, inclusion, empathy, compassion, appreciation, challenge and more.
We offer products and services that bring more Love into workplaces and the world.
Our Principles and Practices
Expand Love.
Lead with Love. Team with Love. Grow love at every opportunity and in every space. Love creates safety and in that safety are hope and unlimited potential. This is not esoteric fluff. This is world-changing strength and healing. Love is both feelings and actions that open locked doors and solve insurmountable problems. Love manifests as respect, trust, kindness, care, empathy, compassion, inclusion, equity, belonging, appreciation, and courage. Humans must have love to flourish, to be happy, and to give their best.
Be anti-racist.
We recognize that racism permeates society, limiting the options and possibilities for those who are Black, Indigenous and People of Color, and ultimately diminishing us all. We are each on our own path of learning and action. We actively choose to work against racism so that all people experience equity and justice. We are committed to showing up to listen, learn and grow together as humans. It is not enough to not be racist. We must be actively anti-racist. This is a kind of love.
Self-Care is a team sport.
We are committed to our own self-care as well as care for each other. Self-care happens best when we are in relationships with others who care for us. We need each other to be well.
Shrink Fear.
Toxic fear is damaging and diminishing. This harmful form of fear causes illness, limitations, stress, and withdrawal. Make every effort to dispel fear when you show up in any situation, whether you are leading or teaming, hosting or consulting, giving or receiving, contributing in any way.
Hold Open Spaces
How we show up matters. Our mood, feelings, assumptions, and thoughts are felt in the space we create. Self care nourishes us which allows us to hold open (quality) spaces for others. Be aware of how we bring ourselves to any space. Do we have privilege? How are we carrying that? Make room for others to step into that space of privilege.
Create Belonging for All
We acknowledge the diversity of lived experiences of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, of LGBTQIA+ People, and of Disabled People. We aim to create belonging for all. We want all people to be seen, heard, and valued. We want all people to share in leading and owning the spaces they choose to be in. We work to create ways of being that go beyond inclusion to create true belonging, acceptance, membership, value for all.
Embody Love.
This shift from fear to love starts with how we each show up, react, and interact. This is true in both big and small ways. If we want to change something then start with how we show up first. Be the manifestation of the principles and practices we believe in, we teach, we advocate. Don’t just say Love. Be Love. Do Love. Show Love. Give Love. Choose Love.
Create a vibrant global community.
We are drawn from across the globe to be in community with one another and to impact the world. We experience the mutual inspiration of shared humanity in ways we may not find in other places. Unforeseen, delightful benefits flow to us as we experience a human-focused way of being together which can help us find the healing, happiness, productivity and impact we are seeking.
Start with Relationships
Prioritize relationships first over outputs, relationships with ourselves, with others, with our community, with the planet. Relationships will lead to outputs.
We are multi-faceted, with both surfaces and “three-cornered-ness” (Chinese for facet.)
Each of us brings ourselves with surfaces, edges and corners. The connection points on the edges and corners where surfaces join together creates a multi-faceted prism to refract the light. A surface on it’s own will only let light pass through, but light is bent when surfaces join together. We polish and clean our surfaces but also join ourselves together, to be more illuminating and more illuminated.
Listen and Believe.
Seek to understand the experiences of others, especially Black, Indigenous and People of Color whose stories are often ignored. When stories are shared, listen and believe them, resisting the tendency to dismiss, question or explain away someone’s lived experience.
The journey matters.
The journey is where we learn; it colors the memories we hold, and the desire to choose whether to travel that road again. Results are important but the lessons, experiences, and relationships we uncover during the journey are what build us into the next version of ourselves. We value traveling with each other on this journey.
Start with a conversation first.
Connect to build relationships and understanding, person to person. Be careful about communicating via email which may not convey the heart nor the nuances that are important. Talk to each other.
Understand, face, and manage our implicit biases.
We all have implicit biases that powerfully shape our views and interactions. Get comfortable being uncomfortable; learn them and own them. Learn to counter their effects so that you are not doing harm to others. Intent is nice but impact is what matters. We are all responsible for our impact.
Better to take a bite of the apple rather than try to eat the whole bushel at once.
Be restrained and discerning when designing, hosting, facilitating, and teaching. Give experiences over lectures. Less is more. People learn by doing, with plenty of space and time to embody and experience a concept on their own terms. Don’t force feed or overeat, but offer a bite so participants/learners can taste it, chew it, swallow it, be nourished by it and grow. Then offer another.
Ask for the support you need.
A request for support is an act of vulnerability and trust. We hold both in high esteem. There is gratitude and honor in being asked to provide support.
Seek to understand.
Listen deeply with our whole selves - most people will tell what they need if we just listen, not only with our ears but with our hearts.
Nurture the environment.
Cultivate an environment where love, relationship, and success can thrive for everyone. Results are more likely to follow in this environment.
Bring your whole self to the community, welcome others to do the same.
By being authentic we can honor each other and the community we serve and work in. There’s no need to be “perfect” or an outdated ideal of “professional.” Instead, we redefine “professional” to include real and authentic. Bring yourself into the circle of conversation and into the space. Don’t just project out; project in.
Pursue your inner work.
We are on the journey of self-development. We start from different places and progress at different paces, but we are all on a journey to know and understand ourselves, our strengths and weaknesses, and to learn and grow. We do our innner work. We encourage the courage to look and recognize these; to be curious; explore and discover especially in a loving community; to commit to a path of learning and growth.
Everyone is worthy.
Treat everyone as your most important and valued customer. Take that extra time to show interest, to demonstrate kindness, to notice others, no matter what position, station, or ability they have to impact you.
Learn through relationships.
We need each other to learn, in a class, in a community, in a workplace, in a family. Learning is less about an expert telling vast amounts of information. Learning happens in the context of caring relationships with the opportunity to share, reflect, try, integrate, observe, question, dialogue, co-create, celebrate.
Take time.
Relationships, learning, growth, insight, progress happens with time. So we slow down and take time for each other. And we help clients take time.
INSPIRE by Being Whole
Every human being is multi-faceted. The more we bring those facets, the more fully integrated and whole we are, the more we are present, satisfied, and able to reach and impact others. Whole people have: Identities, iNtuition, Spirit, Physical body, Intellect, Relationships, Emotions