Yes, We Can Ride This Wave.

This blog was originally shared as an email with the Loving Leaders community. If you'd like to hear from Renée every week, directly in your inbox, you can sign up for the emails here.


I find myself riding the roller coaster these days, dipping down into the trough on news of the latest harms and offenses, and rising back up with a persistent focus on love and hope.

At the moment, I’m surfing the crest, counting some of the things we can control that bring that love and hope.

What would you add? What’s giving you hope? What love are you witnessing or offering? 

We can celebrate each other.

This is Women’s History Month, and everywhere I turn online, around town, on television, and in professional spaces, women’s contributions to society are being celebrated, rather than overlooked. What simple, natural ways can you matter of factly share these stories and appreciation with others? How might we permeate social spaces to reach those who are cut off from such acknowledgement? 

It was also Women in Construction Week, early in March. I had the opportunity to participate in an event hosted by OCMI, a construction estimating and project management company. They live their values each day, uniting all team members as One Team, emphasizing empathy, collaboration, and meaningful service. Three cheers to them, and many other companies, who are proudly celebrating and uplifting women on their teams right now, and all others regularly. It’s the smart thing to do for people and for business. 

We can learn from each other.

I love-love-love to learn. You too? And, learning by definition means exposure to things you don’t know yet, right? Which means hearing from people about events, topics, stories, and subjects that are new to you, that is to say, different (diverse) from whatever you’ve learned before. Try reading a book, listening to a podcast, or watching a film from a perspective diverse from yours and then, again, naturally, sharing about it with others.

This last month I learned from and was inspired by Black History Month posts shared by Derek Mosely, JD on LinkedIn. Now I’ve learned about a whole new group of leaders, innovators, heroes and sheroes who I can look to and share as examples.

We can appreciate each other.

OK, you know me, I’m all about appreciation! Turn to that team member and let them know how much you value them today. And then do it again next week, and the week after, and so on. No budget needed; no permission needed. Keep doing this authentically, warmly, and consistently.

We can connect with each other.

Strengthening our social fabric is always within our reach. In particular, face-to-face contact provides important bonding, psychological safety, and nervous system regulation we all need. You can invite folks to get together for many reasons over food, coffee, or for a walk. 

My friend Brian Buck hosts a monthly professional gathering in Tacoma in different locally owned coffee shops. The only question we answer is, “What’s emerging for you?” This sharing strengthens the bonds of community, both old and new. 

And just a few weeks ago, out of empathy and concern, my husband and I knocked on the door of a neighbor we didn’t really know to invite him to dinner after he began flying the Ukrainian flag. We’ve committed to hosting more dinners and gatherings with all our neighbors. 

When the virus of fear spreads its uncertainty, doubt, and betrayal, remember this: The antidote to fear is Love. And we can Love! 

Renée Smith

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renée Smith champions making work more loving and human. She researches, writes, speaks internationally, and leads the Human Workplace Community of Practitioners and Participants to discover and practice how to be loving at work. This love is not naive or fluffy but bold, strong, and equitable, changing teams, organizations, communities, and lives.

They Found the Courage to Speak Up


Confidence in Inclusive Loving Leadership