The Make Work More Human Blog

Read. Be inspired. Lead with Love.

Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.

The Unglamorous Part About Loving Leadership
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

The Unglamorous Part About Loving Leadership

We grow dahlias inspired by our neighbor's beautiful garden. They burst with shades of red, pink, and yellow blooming all summer and late into the fall. It's a delight to enjoy them sitting in the garden, to cut them to share bouquets with friends and to gently tend them so they continue to bloom. 


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Is It Okay for a Loving Leader to Cry?
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Is It Okay for a Loving Leader to Cry?

Do you welcome the urge to cry at work? I do. Here's why.

We are in a meeting to explore a complex issue. Each team member has the chance to share their ideas, concerns, and perspectives. The topic is important to us all. We take our time. I try to listen to understand, sensing, noticing, tuning in to each one. And as I wait for my turn…

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The Imperfect Loving Leader
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

The Imperfect Loving Leader

Disagreements and disappointments happen in loving organizations and on loving teams, just as they do in any group of people. We are not immune from these just because we are committed to love. 

 We miscommunicate and misunderstand. We make mistakes and misinterpret each other. We are sometimes not our best selves. We have differing styles, views and needs that lead to conflicts. 

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The Obvious Thing About Loving Leadership
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

The Obvious Thing About Loving Leadership

I have been called the Queen of the Obvious a time or two, which makes me smile. This is just fine with me. Afterall, someone has to be! 😉

And, just because something is obvious, doesn’t mean it’s easy or unimportant! In fact, in the case of Loving Leadership behaviors, quite the opposite is true.

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Loving Leadership: Before and After
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Loving Leadership: Before and After

It was sitting on the curb at the back of the grocery store parking lot on a hot July day. Dry and shriveled, its tiny pot was wrapped in pink foil. It was intended to be a gift, the kind you might pick up for an ailing aunt or for friends hosting dinner.

Jim saw it sitting there abandoned. A tiny rose plant. 


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Competing Priorities & Loving Leadership
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

Competing Priorities & Loving Leadership

Our work as Loving Leaders can be complex. I've been feeling the tugs and pulls from many directions. I've been hearing it from leaders too.  After all, we are responsible for enacting love in various forms in multiple relationships and places simultaneously. Our route is not always clear.

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The Role of Respect in Loving Leadership
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

The Role of Respect in Loving Leadership

Respect is often identified as a core value by individuals as well as by teams or organizations. And, I've learned through numerous discussions and facilitations that “respect” means wildly different things to different people. 

People will declare, “Every human being deserves fundamental respect!” as often as others will say, “A person has to earn my respect!”

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How Loving Leaders Show Appreciation
Loving Leaders Renée Smith Loving Leaders Renée Smith

How Loving Leaders Show Appreciation

A few weeks ago, we blocked 25 minutes, set a timer, opened a blank email for each person, and customized a short, simple, sincere, note naming something specific you appreciated that week. And sent them.

So how did it go? Did you hear back from your team members? 

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