The Make Work More Human Blog
Read. Be inspired. Lead with Love.
Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.
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Optimism Is A Beautiful Thing Until…
Optimism is a beautiful thing! It's great to approach life and work with positivity and a can-do spirit. Surely that'll get us farther than the opposite mindset will.
But here's our challenge: We humans are overly optimistic when estimating the time it will take for us to complete a task.

Need More Time? Pomodoro!
Pressed for more time to spend on team care? Use this technique for focus and flow to get more done and make time for what really matters.

Need more time? Stand and wait.
One day in 2016, amongst a grove of ancient trees, I learned that sometimes our best strategy is to stand and wait.

Need More Time? Choose what’s important, not alluring.
Don't want to be distracted by shiny-object syndrome? Want to focus on what matters most?

Need more time? Let Go and Trust Others
Want a sure fire way to relieve the time pressures you face in leadership?

Need time? Aim for Good Enough
As a recovering perfectionist, it's hard for me to aim for “good enough." Afterall, I love excellence! I've been rewarded my entire life for excellence. I take great pleasure in something being done to a super high standard.
But that comes with the costs of time, energy, and resources. And sometimes it comes at the cost of being overwhelmed and not doing anything at all, paralyzed by perfection and not having enough time to get to that standard. Loving Leader, there's another way.
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