What When Things Work Out As Planned?

This blog is part of Renee’s Loving Leaders email series, where she shares insights and strategies for Leading with Love every week. To receive these reflections directly in your inbox, sign up for the series here.


After reflecting on the fact that sometimes things don't work out as witnessed in our garden project, it's also important to remember that…

…Sometimes things do work out!! 

We research, plan, collaborate, work hard, send out prayers or positive energy, and, lo and behold, we achieve our goal! 

What a great feeling! What a relief! And what an important step toward our purpose.

When we do achieve our goal, it's good to pause and learn, seizing on the chance to build on that momentum. 

But it's also important to do something else: Pause to celebrate and appreciate the success and progress toward what we care about. 

As a Loving Leader, you won't forget to thank team members for what they specifically did to make this success possible. 

And, as a Loving Leader, please don't forget to reflect on your contribution too. Journal what you specifically did. Sense the happiness and satisfaction in your body and emotions. Let yourself feel and appreciate this moment. Your nervous system needs this! After all, as Loving Leaders, we need to love ourselves too. 

When things work out…love your team AND love your self. That's what Loving Leaders do.


Looking for encouragement and insights on being a loving, human-centered leader? Sign up here for Renée’s Loving Leaders email list and receive several short, supportive emails each week.

Renée Smith

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renée is a writer, speaker, researcher, teacher, and leader of the movement to make work more loving and human.


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