What Holds You?

This blog is part of Renee’s Loving Leaders email series, where she shares insights and strategies for Leading with Love every week. To receive these reflections directly in your inbox, sign up for the series here.


This Place.

Morning visit to the beach near Port Townsend.  

Share the magic of this place with Spanish friends who are

Used to the warm, bright, blue and clear sandy beaches of the Mediterranean Sea.

With each step taking in another view.  

Broad grey sky, light house, Salish Sea, islands, ships, mountains.

Distant Canada, yet close.  


Familiar details. Patterns. Sensations. Essence of PNW.

Mist, rocks, sea grass, harbor seal, clouds.

Driftwood, shells, gulls, kelp beds, otter family.

Browns, tan, beige, grey, rust, white, blue, green.

Did I say grey?  


Gentle waves. Lapping. Rhythmic.  

Salty. Calm, quiet, still.  

Store up sensations to carry back

for another moment when this place is needed.

I’ll return.

To where do you return in your mind or heart when you need to find yourself again?  

Loving Leaders hold the needs of people each day. And they hold the need to embed Love in all aspects of their work – in purpose, in process, in systems, in structures.

They hold loving responsibility to care about these details.  

Loving Leader, as you do that work today, pause and remember what holds you, even while you are holding all this. Let yourself be upheld by nature, by people, by beauty, by art. By whatever feeds your soul.  

And then keep Leading with Love!


Looking for encouragement and insights on being a loving, human-centered leader? Sign up here for Renée’s Loving Leaders email list and receive several short, supportive emails each week.

Renée Smith

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renée Smith champions making work more loving and human. She researches, writes, speaks internationally, and leads the Human Workplace Community of Practitioners and Participants to discover and practice how to be loving at work. This love is not naive or fluffy but bold, strong, and equitable, changing teams, organizations, communities, and lives. 


The Life You Are Making


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