Remembering You

This blog is part of Renee’s Loving Leaders email series, where she shares insights and strategies for Leading with Love every week. To receive these reflections directly in your inbox, sign up for the series here.


The other night, at the end of a long day, I went into this email account to check in.

I’d sent a message that morning and so the inbox was filled with hundreds of “Out of Office” messages. That happens this time of year and is a happy sign that people are taking leave and getting a good dose of that spaciousness and rest I’ve been talking about recently. That was great to see!

And, as I tidied up the inbox, I loved seeing something else:

All the names!

Reading the names of all of you who were Out of Office took me quickly back to all the talks and workshops, jobs and events, gatherings and virtual trainings, when we met or were connected.

Seeing your names, from all over the world, was deeply meaningful and encouraging. Each one made me smile and turned the inbox tidying task into an experience of love and joy.

It reminded me of how much it means to just be present for each other. Sometimes we think we need to show up in grandiose ways, with something profound to say or some big offer. Those have their place and time.

But we also give so much encouragement by just being present for each other.

The simple act of saying, “I was thinking of you,” or, “Saw this and thought of you,” or “Love what you shared,” or something similar lets people know they are seen.

And in today’s world, where we may be toiling away alone at home or in semi-empty workplaces while others are working at home, or maybe where we are physically with others but feeling lonely and disconnected, we need to know someone sees us, that we are remembered, and that our presence matters.

Your presence matters in the lives of your team members. And you can let them know they matter by being present to them. 

Today’s Loving Leader nudge: Who can you be present for today? Who might need to know you are there, noticing and appreciating them?

Remember: Your presence is a present! 😊


Looking for encouragement and insights on being a loving, human-centered leader? Sign up here for Renée’s Loving Leaders email list and receive several short, supportive emails each week.

Renée Smith

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renée Smith champions making work more loving and human. She researches, writes, speaks internationally, and leads the Human Workplace Community of Practitioners and Participants to discover and practice how to be loving at work. This love is not naive or fluffy but bold, strong, and equitable, changing teams, organizations, communities, and lives.

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