Meeting the “World Champion”

Can you imagine meeting THE “World Champion” in your field?

This week I did!

I met Craig Valentine, the World Champion of Public Speaking 1999!

I had the chance to learn from him at a National Speakers Association Northwest meeting.  And, wow, not only was he delightful to talk with, he absolutely lived up to his title!

He was an incredible speaker, moving me to laughter and tears. He showed by example how to connect with people and deliver a memorable message with lasting impact.

And he was an exceptional teacher, providing actionable insights I could immediately apply to be more effective.

Renée Smith and Craig Valentine, 11/16/2024

The most powerful lessons I took away from Craig Valentine were about storytelling.

How timely! You see, I’ve been wrestling with my story and feeling the need to rediscover my story.

You may be thinking, “What do you mean? Don’t you know your own story?”

Well, yes, I know the version of my story that I’ve been telling. It’s a true story – integrity is important to me. And it’s been a helpful story to many – afterall, making an impact is why I do this work.

But I also know this: There are many true stories contained in our lives, even many stories about the same experience. Many these might be even more helpful than the current way I tell my story. 

I’ve sensed it's time to look again, to dig in and go deeper to understand my own story with fresh eyes and heart.

It’s time to find new patterns that will connect with … YOU! 

Afterall, I want to be effective in inspiring and teaching those who are in pursuit of Loving Leadership and a Loving Workplace. That’s what I’ve committed the rest of my days to, so I’m digging in! And my story is revealing itself to me in fresh and vibrant ways.


A few months ago, I was working with a coaching client, and it became apparent that the story they were telling themselves was not helpful. It was not serving them, and instead it was limiting their progress. Together, we named their current story and then explored what else might be true. 

With coaching, they were able to “re-story” - to let go of their old way of talking about their life, successes, struggles, and opportunities. They found a new story to tell that is true, generative, much more powerful. 

They embraced a more bold, joyful, authentic option. And now they are living into that story and seeing the benefits.

This is a similar lesson I received from Craig Valentine’s workshop.

And isn’t it funny that while I could teach that lesson to someone, I needed someone else to teach it to me?!

That’s how it is though. We need each other.

I’m grateful to Craig for sharing his story and inspiring me to rediscover mine. 

I’m grateful for the chance to know my client’s story and inspire her to rediscover hers.

What new story might you hold that is quietly waiting to be uncovered and claimed?

Dig in! It's yours!

Renée Smith

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renée Smith champions making work more loving and human. She researches, writes, speaks internationally, and leads the Human Workplace Community of Practitioners and Participants to discover and practice how to be loving at work. This love is not naive or fluffy but bold, strong, and equitable, changing teams, organizations, communities, and lives.

What Does It Mean to be “Invited” to a “Gathering”?


Compassionate Action in Loving Leadership: Here’s How It Works