It’s Time!

I’m up early on this morning. I woke up knowing there was something I needed to write. And when that happens, I have to get up and capture the words, because they won’t be there in 2 hours, at a more reasonable hour.

So, Hello 3:57 am!

And, Hello Friend! Here I am. Here we are. Smile. 

Here’s what I had to get up and write down: It’s time.

It’s time for Loving Leaders to stand up. It’s time for those of us who are willing to be active in shifting the leadership practices of this world from fear to love to get activated. Now. Because we can see what's happening in the world and in our workplaces, and we feel how urgent it is.

This means saying “Yes” to Loving Leadership and embarking on a journey to learn to stand more firmly and act more boldly, strongly, and clearly with Love, not fear, than ever before.

We know that leadership practices throughout all generations have been dominated by fear in one form or another. You may be someone who has experienced that leadership from bosses or in your organization and wondered if they would ever be different and what it would take for things to change. You may have wondered when a formal program would be funded in your organization that would take a stand and shift in leadership behaviors. 

But we can no longer wait around and hope for others to decide to turn from fear to love, to bring a more human-centered way of working. We can’t wait for big programs and strategic initiatives to bring the more loving and human workplace we need. We can no longer wait for someone to give us permission to be a Loving Leader.

We just need to do it.

I began to sense this intensified shift months ago. 

It started at the first of the year with taking stock of what I’ve learned in the last nine years about love and fear and considering what we are doing as a team at A Human Workplace.

It continued as I traveled to Switzerland, England, Wales, and Spain, thinking on trains and planes, having conversations with friends and with people I met along the way, and writing tucked away in remote places.

It emerged while my husband and I tended to our family’s intensive needs for the last three months: my son’s hospitalization, the birth of granddaughter Minerva, and extended visits from my grandkids.

As I made more spaciousness in my days to listen, simplify, and create with awe and hope, it has become crystal clear.

We urgently need love, not fear. It’s time to stop hesitating. 

It’s time to love boldly.

It’s time not to focus on “them” and what we wish “they” would do or how we wish our organization would change. It’s time to focus on what we believe and what we can do, how we will learn and grow, and what we can change.

As overused as this phrase is (and it is really overused), it is time for us to be our own change, to make the change from fear to love we want and know the world needs. For those who're already focused on leading with love, it is time to double down, to triple down, on working and leading with love.

For those who aren’t sure…As I say this, some of you may think, “But wait, I don’t know about this Renée. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the way leaders use fear sometimes. I think we need to keep people on their toes, or they’ll slack off. People can't be trusted.” It might seem like something nice to do if you can, but mostly, you may believe, we can’t do that. We shouldn’t do that because we wouldn't get results. 

If this is you, then what I have to say and offer next is probably not for you. That’s alright. Keep hanging out here with us. Keep listening in. And if you ever change your mind, you are always welcome to dive in. 

For the rest of you, and I know there are many of you because I hear from you, it’s time to step up to more love and less fear.

  • If you have been quietly leading with love and are ready to expand your effort, then it’s time.

  • If you are surrounded by fear-based leaders and you know there’s a better way, then it’s time.

  • If you are tired of waiting for your organization to decide to adopt a formal program that is more loving and human, then it’s time.

  • If you are a new leader looking around at seasoned leaders and thinking, “I don’t want to lead with fear like they do,” then it’s time.

  • If you don’t want to scare, bully and break people, if you don’t want to humiliate people or make them anxious, if you don’t want to overwhelm them, use them up and toss them aside, then it’s time.

  • If you want to uplift people so they know they belong, that you see them and will help them grow, and if you want to create a respectful, trusting workplace for people to bring and do and be their very best, to work with meaning toward a shared goal, then it’s time.

If that’s you, then I am with you! And this community is with you. 

 I am committing to bringing you two things more clearly than ever:

One: Encouragement. If you are out there leading with love, caring for people, creating safety and trust, changing systems to be more human, and bringing results in challenging situations every day, then I want you to know you are not alone and encourage you in your mission! 

Two: Practical support. I have ways to help those who are ready for and in need of support in your journey as a Loving Leader. I'll be sharing those with you. 

So here's today's encouragement and practical support: 

For Encouragement: Email me ( and tell me, “I agree; it's time to be a Loving Leader!” and maybe share one thing you are doing today to lead with love. I read every message and I'll reply with a note of encouragement!

For More Encouragement: Join my new Loving Leaders email list. Throughout the week I'll share multiple, heartfelt insights and practical tips on becoming a more Loving Leader all drawn from my journey and a decade of research. Sign up here!

For Practical Support: If you are ready to commit and get support to be a Loving Leader, I have a few seats in a new program that may be right for you. You can message me here and we will set up a time to talk.

I'm excited to be in this moment in history with you, to stand and be Loving Leaders because it's time!

With Love,


Renée Smith

Founder and CEO of A Human Workplace, Renée Smith champions making work more loving and human. She researches, writes, speaks internationally, and leads the Human Workplace Community of Practitioners and Participants to discover and practice how to be loving at work. This love is not naive or fluffy but bold, strong, and equitable, changing teams, organizations, communities, and lives.

Aim for Good Enough


An Exercise to Embrace Your Whole Selves at Work