Incite Love, Shall We?
This blog was originally shared as an email with the Loving Leaders community. If you'd like to hear from Renée every week, directly in your inbox, you can sign up for the emails here.
I love words. I'm fascinated by their etymology and how words don't hold still. They are constantly, if slowly, changing. For a fun sampling, check out this list from TED of 20 words that once meant something very different.
Such semantic shifts come in four varieties, according to Richard Nordquist. They broaden, becoming more generalized or extended in their use. They narrow, becoming more restricted or specialized in their use. They ameliorate or elevate, getting an upgrade to be more positive in meaning. And, they pejorate or deteriorate, getting a downgrade to take on a more negative sense.
This all appeals to my nerdy fascination with language which I'm indulging today and taking you along on my traipse through the wordy wilds today.
And, this revery emboldens me to propose that in 2025 we ameliorate the word “incite”. Let's claim it for our own elevating it from the negative dungeon its been cast into for so long only to be used in harmful contexts.
Enough with “inciting violence” and “inciting hatred.” Let's take it back from “inciting riots” or “inciting lawbreaking.” No!
Let us instead lay claim to this word and “incite Love.”
Afterall, incite (in·cite, /inˈsīt/, verb) is defined thus:
1. encourage or stir up
2. urge or persuade (someone) to act
Origin of incite: First recorded in 1475–85; from Latin incitāre, from in- in- + citāre “to move repeatedly, set in motion, summon.”
Synonyms include: exhort, arouse, spur, provoke, instigate
To applying this word to Loving Leadership and Love (not fear) in the Workplace, I say a hearty, “Yeah and Huzzah!”
Let us encourage and stir up love in our cultures.
Let us urge and persuade others to act with love.
Let us repeatedly set in motion love in forms like respect, listening, trust-building, safety, acceptance, belonging, and kindness. Let us incite love with challenge, boundaries, and refusals too.
Let us summon loving behaviors from ourselves and each other, by our words and by our examples.
Let 2025 be the year we boldly incite Love in every room and relationship, in every context and cranny, at every turn and intersection, wherever we find ourselves.
Let's incite love. The world is waiting.