Loving Leader Series - Part 6
As a loving leader,
I am working
on projects
that fulfill
my purpose
as defined by
my life’s journey.
As a loving leader,
I am working
on projects
that fulfill
my purpose
as defined by
my life’s journey.
Adam blends the art, science, and active process of helping individuals unlearn dehumanizing actions within organizations and relearn humanizing foundations, tactics, and aspirations. He serves his client by aiding their intrapersonal search for the choices point to becoming more free, engaged, and fulfilled by their work. Adam works as an independent government consultant who offers services based around racial equity transformation, data consulting for human services, change management, and social issue tracking. The place you’re most likely to find Adam is wherever quagmires of human-centric issues exist within institutional settings. He’s drawn to address these concerns for cultural change that ultimately serves every member of an ecosystem. Adam works with government organizations and translates the rule of law into government practices all the while putting humans at the center. He is gifted in his ability to synthesize complex information including theory, research, and data from interacting with key stakeholders then paint it into an eloquent picture of the full challenges and solutions. He compliments all of this noble work with strong values like authenticity, honesty, and celebration of difference.