The Make Work More Human Blog

Read. Be inspired. Lead with Love.

Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.

It’s time
Renée Smith Renée Smith

It’s time

On March 3rd I woke up and everything had changed. The day before was my last day as Director of Workplace Transformation for Washington State. For the first time in years, I had just one role, one email account, one website, one newsletter, one calendar, one computer, one cell phone, one team, and one coherent, clear purpose: To make work more loving and human around the world.

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Let’s be human-centered
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Let’s be human-centered

Some people will be unimpressed, “Of course we should be human-centered. What else would we be? This is already how I lead. I don’t understand why this is such a big deal.” It will be a surprise to some people that this needs to be championed.  

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A love story about work: Hayley's leader goes the extra mile
Renée Smith Renée Smith

A love story about work: Hayley's leader goes the extra mile

Hayley started work as an administrative assistant for Dean right out of college. She’d been working for a few weeks in Washington State government and things were going well. She liked the people and the work came easily. She felt happy and confident.

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Harmful fear: eliminate it this year!
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Harmful fear: eliminate it this year!

Workplace fear is an all too common experience. Talk to almost anyone willing to be candid and they can tell you about a time, either past or present, of harmful fear at work. Those with fears in the past may still experience a kind of post traumatic stress disorder over it.

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Can't a little fear be a good thing?
Renée Smith Renée Smith

Can't a little fear be a good thing?

When I asked people in my research interviews to share an experience of fear at work, some shared this kind of "helpful" fear situation. They consistently described the discomfort of stepping to their edge, experiencing a low-grade fear, and working through the challenge to accomplish something.

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