The Make Work More Human Blog
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Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.
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Help Stop the Harm
Workplace traumas are dehumanizing and can be all-consuming. The suffering caused by abusive, fearful workplaces is enormous. We must rise up and decide enough is enough. We must stop the harm. It’s time to set a new standard, to expect something more of ourselves, for ourselves and for each other. Instead, it is time to expect and create workplaces characterized by love. We must make trust, respect, empathy, compassion, and belonging the standard. We don’t have any time to lose.

Vito's story
I’d never met Vito before, but he was the first to respond to a Linked In invitation to join a small group of men in the Bay Area as part of my research. Friendly but hesitant when he arrived, Vito was ‘California comfortable’ in a breezy cotton striped shirt, but slightly uncomfortable on some yet-to-be discerned level as we introduced ourselves, met the other two participants, and poured coffee.

Harmful fear: eliminate it this year!
Workplace fear is an all too common experience. Talk to almost anyone willing to be candid and they can tell you about a time, either past or present, of harmful fear at work. Those with fears in the past may still experience a kind of post traumatic stress disorder over it.
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