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Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.
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Gender Equality Month: Reflecting On Humanity
March is not just Women’s History Month, but also Gender Equality Month! As we celebrate Gender Equality Month, Wil Johnson reminds us that it's important to reflect on what it truly means to embrace our humanity. Gender equality is not just about ensuring equal access to opportunities and resources, but also about removing barriers that hinder access for various groups or individuals. To truly promote equality, we must address gender discrimination, which occurs when a person or group of people are denied access or their voices are marginalized based solely on their gender identity. In this blog, Wil explores how gender inequality shows up in the classroom, workspaces, and interpersonal relationships, and provides actionable steps we can take to promote equality regardless of gender identity. Ultimately, embracing humanity means creating spaces of equality where each person has access to opportunity. By reflecting on our own biases and taking actionable steps to promote gender equality, we can all work towards a more just and equitable society.
Gathering of Trees
Celebrate Women's History Month with us by enjoying artifacts that emerged from our "The Gathering of Trees". The blog includes a powerful poem that speaks to shedding the limitations of societal expectations and embracing one's true strength and potential. As well as two beautiful works of art created by our community members. The post encourages women to take up the space they need, speak their truth, and never be silenced or diminished again.
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