R. Tiffany David

Professional Coach Specializing in Compassion, Mental Fitness, and Emotional Resiliency, Oxfordshire England

"I want to be a catalyst for positive change, challenging the status quo and pushing for innovation. I believe in taking risks, embracing failure as a learning opportunity, and striving for progress. Let's disrupt business as usual and create a better future for ourselves and generations to come."

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

– Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

Meet Tiffany - The Full Human Being

Through her invitational presence and warmth, it is clear that Tiffany is dedicated to the long game of fostering relationships built on love and humanity. She believes that when people feel safe to remove their professional veil within a supportive community, it provides them with the opportunity to share how their work truly impacts them. She challenges corporate clichés that don't serve people and instead advocates for the real connection that comes from “taking off the mask”. She shares, “it is essential to be mindful of how one shows up at work, as it can impact many aspects of one's life outside of work - working in a fear-based workplace can be detrimental because it will settle into your mind and soul in ways you didn't anticipate.” That's why she is passionate about providing a permission slip for people to show up as their authentic, collaborative selves. She believes we have the incredible opportunity to find purpose in relationships at work and organizations are in a seat of power to operationalize moving away from fear and towards love. A loving leader, according to Tiffany, has infallible ethics and exemplifies vulnerability and a commitment to making their workplace more human. They are comfortable with uncertainty, know the absolute power of collaboration, and invite dissent for the betterment of the whole. She knows that true change takes time, but she is committed to ensuring that businesses and organizations understand that they need to invest in their people to create meaningful cultures and lasting change.

Learn more about Tiffany at her LinkedIn here.

Coaching the Heart of Organizations, Their People

Tiffany David is a purpose-driven coach and consultant with decades of People & Culture experience. Her areas of expertise span a variety of disciplines including compassionate coaching, positive intelligence, and team building excellence. She is conscious that people are the heart of any organization and therefore, must be treated as the highest value resource. She offers trusted partnerships for businesses with goals that extend beyond just culture and instead are dedicated to offering robust employee experiences. Tiffany has been recognized for her innovative work developing fresh and relevant performance management programs, coaching leaders at all levels, and creating successful engagement initiatives. She helps her clients make invisible problems clear through creative questioning and root problem identification. Tiffany has developed a proprietary training suite that assists leaders in the ever-changing world of attraction, retention, engagement, and results. She combines her creative problem-solving and critical thinking with a holistic view of industry, business, and global trends. With the strengths of a visionary and change catalyst, she excels at inspiring transformation at the interpersonal level of business. Tiffany's humane demeanor, seasoned advice, and excellent service delight her clients, who feel understood and appreciated. Want to understand more about the work Tiffany does and how she can help transform your team or organization? Reach out to her here.

Tiffany’s Story

Tiffany grew up in San Diego, and after a short stint in Australia, she returned to the Pacific coast of Southern California for her undergrad degree. Tiffany's academic journey has been shaped by her curiosity and passion for learning. Her formal education is comprised of a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from San Diego State University, an MBA in Management Theory, and an HR Pro Certificate from California State University San Marcos. She has been immensely grateful for learning opportunities throughout her lifetime, whether formal or informal. Even if it meant challenging her own beliefs, Tiffany has found rich value in learning to find answers and questioning research. Tiffany's biggest influence in this ongoing learning has been her interpersonal experiences in the workplace. Whether joyful or demanding, her experiences with people at work have taught her what she will and will not tolerate and how she can show up. Tiffany considers every person she has worked with to be an equal teacher, gaining insight from each experience. When asked about the community around her, Tiffany shares that her relationships with her husband and mentors are her greatest sources of inspiration. She describes her husband as her “North Star”, saying that he helps her stay grounded and focused on her goals. The pair plan to move to England in 2023, their next great adventure together. She is also deeply grateful for the number of inspirational mentors that she has had throughout her life. Tiffany shares that these courageous leaders have taught her to do what is right and to speak up, even if it means going against the grain. Tiffany now resides in Oxfordshire England with her partner where they enjoy endless countryside walks, visiting world-class museums, and exploring historic sites. Interested in connecting with Tiffany? Reach out to her here.

Everything Else You Wish You Knew About Tiffany

Tiffany knows the importance of a good laugh and being playful. Her creativity and openness shine through in her professional and personal life. Tiffany has a love for animals, specifically - puppies! She is already in excited anticipation for the next four-legged furry family member that will join her soon. One of her favorite travel destinations is Mexico, where she enjoys sipping on spicy mezcal margaritas and living off of veggie burritos. Tiffany has a passion for art and can lose herself in the pure joy of sketching, painting with watercolors, acrylics, and oil. Much of her inspiration comes from Mary Oliver, an American poet who Tiffany describes as “my best friend that never knew she was my best friend.” When asked about the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen, Tiffany recounts photography exhibit that depicted an especially moving piece. She paints a verbal portrait of love between two strangers: one a wrinkly-faced elderly woman, the other a fresh-faced little boy. The pair clearly from different cultures, likely not sharing a language, a caught in a moment of pure connection as they touch hands - signal a love that emulates simply because they share the bond of humanity. Tiffany believes one of the most scared cores of life is shared consciousness and individuality. A heartfelt reason why this image, doing art with friends, or having the chance to create something beautiful is especially moving to her.

“Tiffany is the asset that any company would benefit from bringing in the top caliber of talent and a model of a true leader.”​

-Alan Matson

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