The Make Work More Human Blog
Read. Be inspired. Lead with Love.
Is it really possible to create a way of working based on love not fear? Yes. It’s not only possible. It’s essential. Learn more from this collection of more than 100 posts to inspire and guide you.
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Weaving Our Human Tapestry
Our society's fabric feels threadbare, and our workplaces often exclude certain perspectives and contributions. Organizations that prioritize creating equitable and inclusive cultures perform better, but where do we start? We need to learn to weave together our common human threads and our differences, both the warp and the weft, to create a stunning and inspired tapestry. This weaving requires learning new skills and habits, which can be uncomfortable but necessary for growth. As we move through the discomfort of collective learning, we can come together to create a more inclusive, dynamic, and innovative way of working, expanding who collaborates, how we collaborate, and what we work on. Let's learn to weave together and create something more beautiful together.

Making a Human-Centered Work Experience Actionable
Have you ever been paralyzed by the thought that trying to shift your working culture towards one of love and humanity is too big of a job? Renee Smith offers 8 simple, actionable, and tangible ways to make your culture human-centered.

Ask This Question
The questions we ask ourselves and others matter. Questions are not neutral but point us in a direction. They cause us to pay attention to some possibilities and to exclude others. In this blog, Renee shares the number one question we should be asking ourselves throughout our careers. From interviews to promotions to recognition to retirement, this question provides a powerful lens for real impact in the world.

Everywhere I go: in a hotel shuttle in Kentucky.
Everywhere I go people tell me stories about their workplaces. Some are full of fear, missed opportunities, bad business, and outright harm. Others are full of love, respect, kindness and the benefits that come to customers, employees, and organizations when these human values are embraced.

Everywhere I go: people want to be human.
We want more from our work than just a paycheck. We want to be valued. We want to contribute. We want healthy relationships with our colleagues. We want to be ourselves. We want to find meaning. It doesn’t seem like too much to ask. But apparently, it’s hard to come by.

Make meetings more human, please!
We don’t know who they are, what they care about, what they’ve experienced, what they value, what their talents are. We don’t know what they’ve just come from or what they are carrying. We don’t know if they are distracted or worried. But never mind all that. It’s time to be a professional and get to work.

I am a public servant
Sometimes the truth is that we are thrilled. We are delighted by our work and grateful for the privilege of contributing. We can’t wait to get to work each day. We love the challenges we face, the service we offer, the skills we learn, the way we express ourselves to the world in our work.

Why do we make the workplace so hard on ourselves?
Read the latest business news, research, or blogs, and talk with almost anyone who works, and you’ll hear the same themes: Struggles with disengagement, poor well-being, lack of diversity and inclusion, burnout, conflict, bullying and harassment, unethical behavior, poor performance, challenges to creativity, and lack of problem solving.

Let’s be human-centered
Some people will be unimpressed, “Of course we should be human-centered. What else would we be? This is already how I lead. I don’t understand why this is such a big deal.” It will be a surprise to some people that this needs to be championed.

A love story about work: Carol's social services team
Work in social services, and especially work in direct services to the most vulnerable people in society, is by its very nature a human endeavor. People often choose this field because they are compassionate and motivated to care for others. But social services can be some of the most physically and emotionally demanding work there is.

Three ways to decrease fear and increase love at work
No one wakes up in the morning, bounces out of bed, and eagerly declares, “I can’t wait to be ignored today! I hope my work doesn’t matter to anyone. I’m going in early because I’m not making a difference. Since no one cares about my work I am going after solving that really tough problem.”

Vito's story
I’d never met Vito before, but he was the first to respond to a Linked In invitation to join a small group of men in the Bay Area as part of my research. Friendly but hesitant when he arrived, Vito was ‘California comfortable’ in a breezy cotton striped shirt, but slightly uncomfortable on some yet-to-be discerned level as we introduced ourselves, met the other two participants, and poured coffee.

What about accountability?
Whenever I talk with people about the need to eliminate fear and indifference and increase love and safety in the workplace someone inevitably brings up the question of accountability. And when they do, others nod their heads in agreement and concern.
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